Monday, March 8, 2010

8 LMQ Framework

Best learning outcomes for all students can be catered for by answering the 8 questions in Smith & Lynch's 8 Learning Management Questions. The design is set out in the following framework:
-Profiling Phase LMQ 1-3
-Strategizing Phase LMQ 4-6
-Ascertainment Phase LMQ 7-8
The advantages of this approach can be found in its clear and concise structure for creating learning experiences. The framework has a learner orientation and emphasises the individual in the learning process.

1 comment:

  1. First, it emphasizes the need for design principles and a common language of instruction for ‘teachers’. Second, it espouses, as a principle, the obligation of teachers, administrators and teacher educators to give up pedagogical strategies justified by personal preferences in favour of research-based techniques that deliver a wider curriculum agenda and the deep knowledge that underlies knowledge work. Third, it enunciates a renewed responsibility on the part of teachers, schools and teacher educators for the outcomes of pedagogical practice and the future of teaching and schooling[vii].

    In terms of indigenous education in Australia I feel that Smith & Lynch's first two points above are very relevant, particularly their second point where it is essential that any particular pedagogy for teaching ESL (English As a Second language),to Aboriginal students in remote communites must be research based. For the past thrity years teachers in remote indigenou schools in the NT and north Queensland have tended to use teaching strategies and methodologies that they have "guessed" would work and the educational outcomes have been a dismal failure. IT is really only in the last decade that research based pedagogies such as Accelerated Literacy (Professor Brian Gray - CDU) have started to be mandated as the methol[dology for teaching English in remote schools whose students speak English only as a second language. The introduction of Al into rhe remote indigenous schools in the NT over the last four or five years has resulted in better learning outcomes and more personally satisfied teachers who can see the results of their teaching in real outcomes...assessable improvements in speaking, reading and writing Standard Australian English. There third point is meaningful only of teachers are provided with the tools to achieve acceptable outcomes and given the appropriate amounts of PD (Professional Development) to master the pedagogies required.
