Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Marzano Vs Costa & Kallick

Both Marzano and Costa & Kallick's descriptions of the Habits of Mind (HoM) form the basis of learning design approaches to current pre-service teacher training. The question being asked is
'What behaviors are indicative of the efficient, effective problem solver? (www.mindfulbydesign.com)

Marzano and Costa & Kallick's answers differ in the following way's:
Costa and Kallick summarise their findings into a collection of 16 thinking dispositions (inc. persistence, precision & meta cognition), whilst Mazarno encapsulates his ideas into 3 categories; critical thinking, creative thinking & self-regulated thinking.

Both frameworks share a common vision of harnessing ones intellectual behaviors to become the most effective humans that one can be. Parallel to this idea is the development of the continuous learner, applications for the classroom are obvious but such strategies should also be extended to the students wider world outside the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. EQ has been running PD (professional development for teachers to train them to explicityly teach the various froms of cognition, to show Ed Queensland teachers how to acquaint their students with the various habits of mind associated with both learning and the prctice of skilled activities. I often spend considerable time talking to my indigneous students about the types of disciplines that were once in there culture and the types of discipline to be found in the mainstream culture. I discuss with them how it is possible to practice discipline in learning and in thinking, and explain that it is an essential form of consciousness, if they are t be successful in learning to function in the mainstream Austrailan world and gain access to its discourses. (Of course I spend a lot of time explaining that term..."discourses").
    I think it is essential that teachers today explicitly teach their students how to think and how to think about learning...
